Friday, August 2, 2019
Micro’s project for today: fix the ears on his original hood from The Well-Kept Pet.
Leather is a great material for pup hoods, but over time from conditioning and just general wear, the leather gets extremely soft and flexible which makes it super comfortable! The down side is for pup ears.
Micro is not a fan of floppy ears on his hoods, he prefers erect ears as it gives him and interested, inquisitive and always on alert look he enjoys. Today’s project involved adding wires to the back of the hood to add rigidity.
Micro has been contemplating doing this for more than a year but could not decide on a medium to use to attach the wire to the back of the ears that would sustain moshing and general care and conditioning. While looking for something completely unrelated, I found my hot glue gun and I thought, perfect!
The project was a success, still some work to do to better conceal the wires, but the effect was exactly what I was looking for.

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